Friday, September 4, 2009

Various Inline Media Players - Satay'ed

A while back, inspired by Drew McLellan's article in A List Apart regarding how to embed Flash-content, and still support's xhtml-standards (a.k.a.: "The Satay-method"), I decided back then to try and figure out, if one could do something similar with other embedded media-types, such as Windows Media Player, Realplayer and QuickTime.

Windows Media Player:
Get the m3u-playlist from:

The Satay-code for Windows Media Player:
<object data="(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file)" height="66" id="playersize" type="application/x-mplayer2" width="320">
<param name="src" value="(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file)" />
<param name="enablecontextmenu" value="0" />
<param name="showpositioncontrols" value="1" />
<param name="showstatusbar" value="1" />
<param name="autostart" value="0" />
<param name="autoplay" value="0" />
Get the m3u-playlist from: <a href="(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file) title="Click to download...">(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file)</a>

Get the m3u-playlist from:

The Satay-code for QuickTime:
<object id="playersize" type="video/quicktime" data="(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file)" codetype="anything" height="20" width="320";>
<param name="src" value="(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file)" />
<param name="autoplay" value="false" />
<param name="controller" value="true" />
<param name="kioskmode" value="true" />
Get the m3u-playlist from:<br /><a href="(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file)" title="Click to download...">(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file)u</a>

Get the m3u-playlist from:

The Satay-code for RealPlayer:
<object id="playersize" type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" data="(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file)" height="66" width="320">
<param name="controls" value="default" />
<param name="autostart" value="true" />
<param name="src" value="(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file)" />
Get the m3u-playlist from:<br /><a href="(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file)" title="Click to download...">(Abslolute URL-path to a media-file)</a>